Monday, November 19, 2012

Time flies...

 Wow, it's almost been 2 months since we've been back in Spain and it feels like it's been a year. After a few nights in a hotel, we found an apartment and moved in that week! 2 bedrooms, hot water, an oven and an awesome view. We couldn't've asked for more!

For our first excursion, we found a poster enticing us to a small town for their Festival de Ternera - a meat festival. It was in a town called Enciso, primarily know for it's dinosaur fossils and paleontology museum. And with the meat festival going on, we got free admission!

October 7, 2012

€5, and we got to keep the ceramics

Yum! Roast Beef and Mushrooms

Next week, October 11th, we are off to Galicia to see friends and pick up some much needed housewares. Posting soon to get this blog up-to-date!

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