Saturday, December 1, 2012

Degustacion de Rioja - Ooh Fancy!

November 9, 2012

Logroño is full of posters, whether it be a weekend festival in a nearby town, a theater production or somebody's personal flyer for teaching something. This was a poster that definitely got our attention! A Tapas Workshop, Wine Tasting and/or a Tapas Display/Show. We weren't sure what the latter was, but we soon found out.

"Getting in" to this event wasn't easy. First, there was no information on where or when this would be held. Just an email address or phone number to register. Our first choice was the Tapas Workshop. We emailed them several days in advance with no response back, so the morning of the event I walked to the auditorium in which the event was to take place. I had no idea how far it was! And I found out they don't sell the tickets.  So I carried on with my other errands of the day (Fridays I don't work), next taking me to a government/tourism building, so I asked around. A nice woman placed a few calls and got us in to the Wine Tasting. The Tapas Workshop was sold out.

We were actually two of the first to arrive, so this
was the view when we were leaving. Upon arrival
it was empty and we got first dibs on some tasty bites.
So, when we arrived we were expecting a 10 euro Wine Tasting, but they gave us a glass for 7 euros each and we went downstairs to the general event. The "Display/demonstration/show" is how it translates. We never quite know what we're gonna get around here. This time we were not disappointed!

Each booth was a little different. Some offered just wine. Some offered just food. Some offered both. Some offered mojitos. Some took tickets. (We had 5 each). Some didn't. There was really no rhyme or reason.

This was the first one we tried, along with some red wine,
of course! This was morcilla (blood sausage), but it could have
passed for chocolate! Interesting.

A booth of bocadillos (sandwiches). Tuna,
tuna with green bell pepper, certain/good part
of tuna, serrano ham and chorizo.
Fois gras on a baguette with some compote and a potato chip.
And a bad camera setting. :(

And for dessert... A car cake!

In the end, we finally left not being able to take another bite or drink, even though we still had 2 tickets each! It was an amazing event for us foodies, and for me, from a catering standpoint. Although Logroño doesn't have the variety and flavors that Seattle has, it was a great night of food and wine. AND we got to keep the wine glasses!

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