Thursday, January 31, 2013

New Year's Eve in Budapest

December 31 - January 4

 It's all about first impressions. The biting cold when we got off the train and the walk through the disheveled part of town to our rental wasn't the best start to a new city, but we warmed up to it pretty quickly. Not literally. Budapest was FREEZING! But people, like a lot of places in Europe, are still out and about.

We were lucky to see some holiday festival booths on its
last days.
Mostly serving hot food and hot mulled wine.
More hot mulled wine to keep our hands warm while we scarfed
down some pork. 
We arrived on New Year's Eve, so after a little exploring, we rested before our mystery wine tasting New Year's Eve Party. I say "mystery", because we signed up for a wine tasting in a wine cave but weren't sure if we were going to get fed much and if we were going to a legit place. We booked online with not a lot of information. We were pleasantly surprised to receive a nice, several course meal in an intimate space with very nice hosts! We saw fireworks from a great view over the city and left feeling very satisfied.

Our friend joined us from Spain

The plaza near our wine cave


It was a relatively early night, getting home around 4am, so we were able to see some sights the next day, including the antique, still functioning metro stop and the market. Later, we checked out a couple of Budapest's famous ruin pubs, after a homemade meal of Chicken and Galuska (like gnocchi) . A ruin pub is a bar that at one time was completely abandoned and has been gutted and renovated in a very eclectic, funky way. Definitely for the hipsters, but we loved it as well. 

More sauerkraut! Yum!
The market

Fogas haz, is one of the ruin pubs we saw, and probably one of the best in Budapest. Usually we wear ourselves out during the day, walking and exploring, that we don't enjoy the night life as much as we should. But I was really looking forward to these and they didn't disappoint. Something unique and artistic on every square centimeter of wall, floor, ceiling, bar, etc. I would recommend the ruin pubs to anyone visiting Budapest.

The next day we caught a Hop-On Hop-Off Bus so we could stay warm while seeing some sights. Our pass included a boat ride along the Danube River as well. 

The Parliament by boat!
Later we hit the Gellert Turkish Baths for a soak in natural thermal spring water. We couldn't take pictures inside, but here are a few I stole from the internet. If I give them credit, it's not illegal, right?

The spas are open late, so this was the view on the way home.
Random basilica built into the rock - also on the way home.
On our last day, we still had some hours left on the Hop-On Hop-Off Bus, so we used it for transportation to a few more sights.


Part of our Hop-on Hop-off Bus included free goulash at the Citadel on the top of Gellert Hill across the river. There, we ran into some Italian friends we had met the day before. People love to practice their English with us.

So, that's Budapest! A fun, cold last stop for our Christmas vacation. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Hills are Alive in Salzburg

My year is off to a great start! But before I can tell you about my new adventures, I have to finish with 2012. Out with the old, in with the new!

December 30, 2012

Still learning how to travel, we misjudged how we'd spend our one and only day in Salzburg. We were planning to have 10 hours or so in the town before catching a night train to Budapest, but we arrived late. We did not anticipate how early it would get dark and how much we wanted to see/do in the daylight hours. So, in the end we had about 3 hours of daylight and then a lot of time to kill. We did see some "Sound of Music" and other historical sites though. :)

I would have loved to have completed this tour and listened to the music along the way in a warm bus! We got a little sidetracked though and ended up seeing most of the sights on foot.

Sound of Music sights

Mirabell Gardens (Sound of Music)

Leaving the gardens, with view of the castle.

Residenzplatz Square (Sound of Music)

A toasty fire we came back to after the castle.
We also tried another variety of hot wine. Orange.
Pretzels galore!
Petersfriedhof or St. Peter's Cemetery dates back to 700 AD.

Funicular to the top of the Hohensalzburg Castle.
Stunning views
More mulled wine. A new favorite after Prague.
Not the Alps I was hoping to see...
The sun came out for a beautiful sky before sunset.

Better photos of Hohensalzburg Castle. Photos of the inside of the castle too.

Trying to find the Sound of Music bus!
After dark, we gave up on the sights, as everything was closed, and walked around the old town, along the river and toward a large and popular beer hall. A great place to pass the time and meet random people.


Rent-a-stein beer hall and dinner

Overall, Salzburg was a great city and almost doable in a day!