Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Hills are Alive in Salzburg

My year is off to a great start! But before I can tell you about my new adventures, I have to finish with 2012. Out with the old, in with the new!

December 30, 2012

Still learning how to travel, we misjudged how we'd spend our one and only day in Salzburg. We were planning to have 10 hours or so in the town before catching a night train to Budapest, but we arrived late. We did not anticipate how early it would get dark and how much we wanted to see/do in the daylight hours. So, in the end we had about 3 hours of daylight and then a lot of time to kill. We did see some "Sound of Music" and other historical sites though. :)

I would have loved to have completed this tour and listened to the music along the way in a warm bus! We got a little sidetracked though and ended up seeing most of the sights on foot.

Sound of Music sights

Mirabell Gardens (Sound of Music)

Leaving the gardens, with view of the castle.

Residenzplatz Square (Sound of Music)

A toasty fire we came back to after the castle.
We also tried another variety of hot wine. Orange.
Pretzels galore!
Petersfriedhof or St. Peter's Cemetery dates back to 700 AD.

Funicular to the top of the Hohensalzburg Castle.
Stunning views
More mulled wine. A new favorite after Prague.
Not the Alps I was hoping to see...
The sun came out for a beautiful sky before sunset.

Better photos of Hohensalzburg Castle. Photos of the inside of the castle too.

Trying to find the Sound of Music bus!
After dark, we gave up on the sights, as everything was closed, and walked around the old town, along the river and toward a large and popular beer hall. A great place to pass the time and meet random people.


Rent-a-stein beer hall and dinner

Overall, Salzburg was a great city and almost doable in a day!

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